
图2:索爱Xperia Pro mk16a手机LED背光键盘和触摸屏,加上8像素摄像头、Wi-Fi和GPS。
LED backlighTIng for LCD TVs will conTInue to grow through 2012 and 2013, as the major manufacturers convert their designs. This has been slower than expected, according to market researchers, although some TV makers, such as Sharp, have already switched completely to LED backlighTIng. Governmental pressure and legislaTIon in the US (Energy Star) and Europe (EuP) over power consumption of consumer electrical products, such as large TVs, is also influencing the move to LED backlighting. It has been reported that the power consumed by a large LCD screen, backlighting and associated circuitry, accounts for about two thirds of the total power consumed by a TV. Therefore, the power savings gained by shifting to LED backlighting are proving attractive. Fast switching and the ability to dim the lighting, when the picture itself is dark, for example, not only improve picture quality but save energy, too.
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